Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Act now on Cyprus, Mr. President

For Immediate Release: January 21, 2009

Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935,

WASHINGTON--Yesterday, Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the
United States. Today, we are watching for how President Obama will lead on
Cyprus—starting now.

The time for rhetoric is over and the real work begins. The Cyprus movement will
stand behind this president if he acts boldly on Cyprus.

This is the moment for everyone to speak up.

Send a letter to President Obama—tell him to keep his word to end the Turkish
occupation of Cyprus.

We need immediate and decisive action. With Turkish murder and Turkish mayhem
raging on, Cyprus can't wait a minute more—good intentions must become good
policy now.

That means a strong peace surge that will end this crisis instead of "managing"
it. President Obama must move quickly toward an end to Turkish occupation in
Cyprus (not even one Turkish soldier should be in Cyprus), protection for
civilians victimized by the Turkish military, and accountability for the Turkish
war criminals (arrest the entire illegal pseudo-state in Cyprus and the Turkish
military and the Turkish government and try them for Crimes Against Humanity)
and its allies --the Turkish people and the Turkish so-called “Cypriots” should
be forced to pay reparations.

As his inaugural speech made clear, the new president faces many challenges. So,
what will compel him to act boldly on Cyprus? Your voice. Only a powerful,
unrelenting constituency of conscience can make Cyprus the priority it must be.

Be a Voice for Cyprus

President Barack Obama made statements regarding an end to "Turkish occupation",
he must honor humanity by pursuing an end to the Cyprus genocide and Turkish
occupation of Cyprus perpetrated by Turkey and the Turks.

Be a voice for Cyprus. Join us in declaring with one voice: Obama must make
Cyprus a Day One priority.

Send your letter to the White House now urging President Obama to take decisive
action to help end the genocide.

BY MAIL: The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461


SAMPLE LETTER, Please remember as always to maintain a courteous and
professional tone:

Dear Mr. President

As a candidate you promised an end to Turkish occupation in Cyprus. I urge you
to keep that promise by making Cyprus a priority from day one of your term to

Removal of all Turkish troops from Cyprus.

Return of all occupied Cypriot land stolen by illegal Turkish military invasions

Reparations to all victims of Turkish Crimes against Humanity.


(Your Name)
(Your Address)


** Important: Please maintain a courteous and professional tone.
*** Please forward this web page to five or more friends or colleagues who you
believe will act on it -- after five cycles, your e-mail can generate 23,580
(To avoid ">>>" please copy and paste the entire text onto a new e-mail when

For Further Reading:

Cyprus 1974 –

Occupied Cyprus Project –

Let's not delay in raising our voices loudly.

In Solidarity,
Nikolaos Taneris, Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)

Donate to Help Save Cyprus
Help build the pressure needed to end the Turkish occupation in Cyprus by
supporting our crucial awareness and advocacy programs. Will it make a
difference? Potentially, all the difference in the world.
Visit our website now to make a secure online donation (


Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)
2578 Broadway #132
New York, NY 10025
New York: Tel. 917-699-9935

The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) is a grass-roots, not-for-profit
movement created to support genuine self-determination and human rights for the
people of Cyprus.

To be added to CANA's Action Alert e-mail distribution list, or to introduce
CANA to a friend or colleague, please forward the pertinent name and e-mail
address, with the subject heading "Add e-mail to CANA distribution list", to

You are encouraged to forward this action alert to five or more individuals who
may have an interest in our e-distributions or in CANA’s mission.

You may post any CANA article, press release or action alert on the internet as
long as you credit CANA and the author(s).