Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mr. Obama does “meet” Patriarch

Those of you who follow my blog are aware of my recent two part series titled “The Obama Betrayal of Hellenism”, in which I mention President Obama would not be meeting the Ecumenical Patriarch during his trip to Turkey. Well it turns out I was completely wrong about Mr. Obama, in fact he did meet with Patriarch Bartholomew. However, this meeting was not held in a grand location like previous meetings with American Presidents. Instead Mr. Obama had so much respect for Hellenism that he decided to hold this meeting with the spiritual leader of Millions of Orthodox Christians around the world in a private hotel room for a “quickie”. If it wasn’t bad enough that Mr. Obama didn’t have the guts and respect to meet the Patriarch in public, the meeting only lasted 15 minutes. If that’s not disrespectful to Hellenism, I don’t know what is.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Private Meeting with President Obama
Read Full Article Here

Patriarch meets Obama in Turkey, EU
4/7/2009, 4:15 a.m. PDT
The Associated Press
Read Full Article Here