Sunday, March 2, 2008

Patriotic Hand Gestures

With the most recent events in the Republic of Vardaska (FYROM), we have noticed the creation of a new rallying call for our Bulgarian enemies to the north. This new rallying call is the ‘United Macedonia’ salute, which was coined recently in response to the ongoing Macedonian Name dispute between Vardaska and Greece. This new salute has been given plenty of publicity with the most recent riots in Vardaska, where extremists have attack the Greek Embassy and reporters, with no police indifference. These events and the creation of this new salute, has gotten me to wonder a little about these tactics to rally our enemies. Even the Turks have their own hand gesture, known as the Wolf Head, which is used by extremists that support the terrorist organization known as the Grey Wolves.

From my knowledge only our brothers in Serbia have developed there own hand gesture in response to our enemies extensive hatred. The Serbian three-finger salute, which consists of the thumb, index, and middle fingers extended out. A salute which is meant to represent Orthodoxy, associated with the Christian Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

It is because of this, that I suggest the creation or adoption of a hand gesture for our Hellenic brothers to rally behind. Of which I suggest either the adoption of the Serbian Three-finger salute, to show our comradely with the Serbian cause and nation or the creation of our own symbol, with the adoption of the Enotita Eagle salute, which is made with creation the Serbian Three Finger Salute with both hands and connecting them together by thumbs to create the appearance of a two headed eagle.