Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Alexandrian League

The idea of the Alexandrian League is one that I’ve tossed around in my head for some time now. It has been a combination of several world events and personal insights that have lead me to declare that such an organization should be created. For starters, it seems clear that the inevitable fall of the United States will occur within our life time, and hence Greece must expand its horizons and react out to forge new alliances for its future survival. The former regions of Alexander’s empire find themselves today, in uncontrollable ethnic conflict and violence, which just perhaps their common Hellenistic past may hold a possible road to peace. Finally, the most recent proposal of the Mediterranean Union by President Sarkozy of France only aids to possible creation of a new Union, which could be launched for the good of the Eastern Mediterranean. This is the greatest way to help re-spread Hellenism to the far reaches of the struggling regions of the former empire. Alexander had a dream once and we should do our best to honor his wishes, so that his vision may come true.

“All mortals from now on will live like one people, united, and peacefully working towards a common prosperity” – Oath of Alexander the Great 324 B.C.

Institutions and Aims of The Alexandrian League

The Alexandrian League would act as a way to promote regional cooperation, conflict resolution and peace in the region based on its common Hellenistic past. As President Sarkozy said about the original Mediterranean Union idea, the AL would also, ‘do the same thing, with the same goal and the same method’ as the European Union. The League would form a regular council under a rotating presidency, with membership being open to all nations of the former empire. The League would be based in a newly build Pella in Greece and would officially function under the Greek, Arabic, and Persian languages, while other institutions of the organization would be based out of Alexandria, Beirut, Tehran, Baghdad, and Kandahar.

The League would create an Alexandrian Investment Bank, modeled on that of the European Union’s. Alexandrian Olympic styled games, Military exercises and joint educational activities would be organized for member states to participate in. A rapid action conflict task force would be created, and the League and the European Union would work together and share some institutions, perhaps common judicial areas to fight corruption, terrorism, organized crime and people smuggling.