Monday, June 8, 2009

2009 European Parliament Elections: How did ΛΑ.Ο.Σ.(LAOS) do?

Well the elections results are in, and like it or not, LAOS has doubled its presences in the European Parliament. The young party picked up its second seat in the EU Parliament, jumping from 4.12% to 7.15% in these recent elections. What does this mean for a party that critics view will never be a contender against such giants as PASOK and New Democracy? It means a patriotic alternative does exist in Hellas. It shows that against all the odds and criticism, LAOS is still continuing to grow and expand its influence. LAOS has showed that even in the face of low voter turn out that it will not just fade away like the establishment wants, but rather their voice will get louder. Those Skeptics, who claim LAOS will never be popular enough to usher in real change, are wrong to say so. As long as LAOS continues to rise in popularity, which it is, they have a bright future before them. Patriots across the political spectrum must be patient and join LAOS. Change will not come over night, it will come slowly, but change can and will come. Skeptics of the party should take note, that Popular Orthodox Rally is the only patriotic political party in Hellas that has been able to receive a good turnout come Election Day. In fact, the party continues to out do itself each and every time it has participate in elections since its creation in 2000. In only 9 years, LAOS has been able to gain more than any other patriotic party in modern times.

LAOS needs to continue growing as a viable opponent to the status quo, which many Hellenes are upset with. LAOS must incorporate those remaining minor parties under its leadership, and should even reach out to others like the Greens, to secure a larger voice inside the Hellenic parliament. Differences aside, LAOS’ building momentum must not be wasted. If real patriotic change is ever to come to Hellas, patriots must set aside minor differences and unite under one banner. Smaller parties like, Democratic Revival, the many Green parties, and even the Union of Centrists should be approach. Often overlooked, the environment is a patriotic issue, which LAOS should develop its position on. Patriots mustn’t forget that it is also ones patriotic duty to respect and care for the very soil and wildlife of Hellas. The potential of uniting these voting blocks would secure LAOS the position of 3rd largest party in Hellas. Once this is accomplished the next step of organizing the Diaspora for support should begin. LAOS has proven itself as a political party able to spread its message in a manner that brings out supporters when it matters, Election Day, and they have my support.

Keep up the Good Work!

Zhto H Ellada