For more information on the Sun of Vergina please read The Sun Of Vergina - The Sun Of The Greeks
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Sun of Vergina is my cross
For more information on the Sun of Vergina please read The Sun Of Vergina - The Sun Of The Greeks
For Immediate Release: May 28, 2009
Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935
NEW YORK--Lambros Papantoniou passed away this morning. When Cyprus most needed
a friend in America to tell the truth of what her enemies were planning in the
form of the Annan Plan, and pandering to the Turkish war machine , it was proud
Hellene and son of Thrace, Lambros Papantoniou who answered the call, as a
frequent and sometimes solitary reporter seeking the truth in White House,
Pentagon and US State Department press briefings, Lambros lived up to the
Follows below a brief bio and details from the Greek Press Office and pictures
(available on our homepage of Lambros "in action"
reporting on the Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) "HANDS OFF CYPRUS"
protest on July 20th 2007 in front of the Turkish Embassy in Washington DC:
May 28, 2009 - Lambros Papantoniou of Washington D.C. passed away peacefully
this morning.
He was 63, weeks shy of his birthday on July 4th, the American holiday which
filled this proud immigrant son of Greece with immense honor.
Mr. Papantoniou, known to official Washington for decades as "Mr. Lambros," was
the Washington diplomatic correspondent for the Greek daily newspaper Eleftheros
Typos, Radio Thessaloniki, and the U.S. weekly newspaper Greek News.
He was born on July 4, 1945 in Mandra Xanthi, a village in Greece's Western
Thrace region. His parents were refugees, who fled from Asia Minor in 1922 to
settle in Greece.
He studied law at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, and arrived in the
United States in 1973. He studied international law and political science at the
University of California, Berkeley, where he obtained his Master's Degree and
Juris Doctorate.
In 1975, after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, he began working as a journalist,
specializing in U.S. foreign policy issues relating to Greece, Turkey, Cyprus
and the Balkans. Over the course of a prodigious career, he was correspondent to
many Greek and Greek-American Media, and participated at numerous foreign policy
conferences and panels in the United States, Greece, Cyprus and Australia.
A member of St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Washington, D.C., he is
survived by three sisters and one brother in Greece, one brother in Boston, and
his beloved nephew Stavros Stavrakis, who resides in Philadelphia with his wife
Vasiliki and their children Prometheus, Aristotle and Elektra Cynthia.
IN MEMORIAM – ΛΑΜΠΡΟΣ ΠΑΠΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ (4 Ιουλίου 1945 – 28 Μαΐου 2009)
Την τελευταία του πνοή άφησε σήμερα το πρωί στο νοσοκομείο Georgetown
της Ουάσιγκτων όπου νοσηλευόταν εδώ και αρκετό διάστημα, ο
δημοσιογράφος Λάμπρος Παπαντωνίου. Ο γνωστός και περήφανος Έλληνας,
«Mr. Lambros», ήταν 63 ετών.
Ο Λάμπρος Παπαντωνίου, γνωστός στην επίσημη Ουάσιγκτων για δεκαετίες ως «Mr.
Lambros», εργάστηκε ως διπλωματικός ανταποκριτής της εφημερίδας ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΣ ΤΥΠΟΣ
και του «Ράδιο Θεσσαλονίκη», καθώς και της ελληνο-αμερικανικής εβδομαδιαίας
εφημερίδας “Greek News”. Ενώ, άρθρα και συνεργασίες του δημοσιεύτηκαν σε δεκάδες
ελληνικά και ξένα έντυπα.
Ο Λάμπρος Παπαντωνίου γεννήθηκε στην Μάνδρα της Ξάνθης, από Μικρασιάτες γονείς,
πρόσφυγες του 1922.
Απόφοιτος της Νομικής του Αριστοτέλειου Πανεπιστήμιου Θεσσαλονίκης, έφθασε στην
Αμερική το 1973, όπου σπούδασε διεθνές δίκαιο και πολιτικές επιστήμες στο
Πανεπιστήμιο της Καλιφόρνιας (Μπέρκλεϋ) στο οποίο και αναγορεύτηκε Διδάκτωρ.
Το 1975, μετά την τουρκική εισβολή στην Κύπρο, ξεκίνησε την δημοσιογραφική του
καριέρα και σύντομα ειδικεύτηκε στην αμερικανική εξωτερική πολιτική σε σχέση με
την Ελλάδα, την Τουρκία, την Κύπρο και τα Βαλκάνια. Κατά τη διάρκεια της
σημαντικής καριέρας του, ο Λάμπρος Παπαντωνίου δημοσίευσε εκατοντάδες άρθρα και
έλαβε μέρος ως ομιλητής σε πολυάριθμα συνέδρια εξωτερικής πολιτικής στις ΗΠΑ,
Ελλάδα, Κύπρο και Αυστραλία.
Μέλος του Καθεδρικού Ναού της Αγίας Σοφίας στην Ουάσιγκτων, ο Λάμπρος
Παπαντωνίου αφήνει πίσω του πέρα από τους συγγενείς και φίλους, ένα
δυσαναπλήρωτο κενό στην ελληνική δημοσιογραφική παρουσία στην Ουάσιγκτων. Η
μεγάλη γνώση, η εμπειρία, η καθολική αποδοχή από τους συνομιλητές του, αλλά και
το πάθος του για την Ελλάδα και την ελληνικότητα θα τον κατατάξουν στην μνήμη ως
ένα από τους σπουδαίους έλληνες που έζησαν σ’ αυτή τη γωνιά του πλανήτη. Ας
είναι ελαφρύ το χώμα που θα τον σκεπάσει.
Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)
2578 Broadway #132
New York, NY 10025
New York: Tel. 917-699-9935
The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) is a grass-roots, not-for-profit
movement created to support genuine self-determination and human rights for the
people of Cyprus.
To be added to CANA's Action Alert e-mail distribution list, or to introduce
CANA to a friend or colleague, please forward the pertinent name and e-mail
address, with the subject heading "Add e-mail to CANA distribution list", to
You are encouraged to forward this action alert to five or more individuals who
may have an interest in our e-distributions or in CANA’s mission.
You may post any CANA article, press release or action alert on the internet as
long as you credit CANA and the author(s).
Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935
NEW YORK--Lambros Papantoniou passed away this morning. When Cyprus most needed
a friend in America to tell the truth of what her enemies were planning in the
form of the Annan Plan, and pandering to the Turkish war machine , it was proud
Hellene and son of Thrace, Lambros Papantoniou who answered the call, as a
frequent and sometimes solitary reporter seeking the truth in White House,
Pentagon and US State Department press briefings, Lambros lived up to the
Follows below a brief bio and details from the Greek Press Office and pictures
(available on our homepage of Lambros "in action"
reporting on the Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) "HANDS OFF CYPRUS"
protest on July 20th 2007 in front of the Turkish Embassy in Washington DC:
May 28, 2009 - Lambros Papantoniou of Washington D.C. passed away peacefully
this morning.
He was 63, weeks shy of his birthday on July 4th, the American holiday which
filled this proud immigrant son of Greece with immense honor.
Mr. Papantoniou, known to official Washington for decades as "Mr. Lambros," was
the Washington diplomatic correspondent for the Greek daily newspaper Eleftheros
Typos, Radio Thessaloniki, and the U.S. weekly newspaper Greek News.
He was born on July 4, 1945 in Mandra Xanthi, a village in Greece's Western
Thrace region. His parents were refugees, who fled from Asia Minor in 1922 to
settle in Greece.
He studied law at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, and arrived in the
United States in 1973. He studied international law and political science at the
University of California, Berkeley, where he obtained his Master's Degree and
Juris Doctorate.
In 1975, after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, he began working as a journalist,
specializing in U.S. foreign policy issues relating to Greece, Turkey, Cyprus
and the Balkans. Over the course of a prodigious career, he was correspondent to
many Greek and Greek-American Media, and participated at numerous foreign policy
conferences and panels in the United States, Greece, Cyprus and Australia.
A member of St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Washington, D.C., he is
survived by three sisters and one brother in Greece, one brother in Boston, and
his beloved nephew Stavros Stavrakis, who resides in Philadelphia with his wife
Vasiliki and their children Prometheus, Aristotle and Elektra Cynthia.
IN MEMORIAM – ΛΑΜΠΡΟΣ ΠΑΠΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ (4 Ιουλίου 1945 – 28 Μαΐου 2009)
Την τελευταία του πνοή άφησε σήμερα το πρωί στο νοσοκομείο Georgetown
της Ουάσιγκτων όπου νοσηλευόταν εδώ και αρκετό διάστημα, ο
δημοσιογράφος Λάμπρος Παπαντωνίου. Ο γνωστός και περήφανος Έλληνας,
«Mr. Lambros», ήταν 63 ετών.
Ο Λάμπρος Παπαντωνίου, γνωστός στην επίσημη Ουάσιγκτων για δεκαετίες ως «Mr.
Lambros», εργάστηκε ως διπλωματικός ανταποκριτής της εφημερίδας ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΣ ΤΥΠΟΣ
και του «Ράδιο Θεσσαλονίκη», καθώς και της ελληνο-αμερικανικής εβδομαδιαίας
εφημερίδας “Greek News”. Ενώ, άρθρα και συνεργασίες του δημοσιεύτηκαν σε δεκάδες
ελληνικά και ξένα έντυπα.
Ο Λάμπρος Παπαντωνίου γεννήθηκε στην Μάνδρα της Ξάνθης, από Μικρασιάτες γονείς,
πρόσφυγες του 1922.
Απόφοιτος της Νομικής του Αριστοτέλειου Πανεπιστήμιου Θεσσαλονίκης, έφθασε στην
Αμερική το 1973, όπου σπούδασε διεθνές δίκαιο και πολιτικές επιστήμες στο
Πανεπιστήμιο της Καλιφόρνιας (Μπέρκλεϋ) στο οποίο και αναγορεύτηκε Διδάκτωρ.
Το 1975, μετά την τουρκική εισβολή στην Κύπρο, ξεκίνησε την δημοσιογραφική του
καριέρα και σύντομα ειδικεύτηκε στην αμερικανική εξωτερική πολιτική σε σχέση με
την Ελλάδα, την Τουρκία, την Κύπρο και τα Βαλκάνια. Κατά τη διάρκεια της
σημαντικής καριέρας του, ο Λάμπρος Παπαντωνίου δημοσίευσε εκατοντάδες άρθρα και
έλαβε μέρος ως ομιλητής σε πολυάριθμα συνέδρια εξωτερικής πολιτικής στις ΗΠΑ,
Ελλάδα, Κύπρο και Αυστραλία.
Μέλος του Καθεδρικού Ναού της Αγίας Σοφίας στην Ουάσιγκτων, ο Λάμπρος
Παπαντωνίου αφήνει πίσω του πέρα από τους συγγενείς και φίλους, ένα
δυσαναπλήρωτο κενό στην ελληνική δημοσιογραφική παρουσία στην Ουάσιγκτων. Η
μεγάλη γνώση, η εμπειρία, η καθολική αποδοχή από τους συνομιλητές του, αλλά και
το πάθος του για την Ελλάδα και την ελληνικότητα θα τον κατατάξουν στην μνήμη ως
ένα από τους σπουδαίους έλληνες που έζησαν σ’ αυτή τη γωνιά του πλανήτη. Ας
είναι ελαφρύ το χώμα που θα τον σκεπάσει.
Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)
2578 Broadway #132
New York, NY 10025
New York: Tel. 917-699-9935
The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA) is a grass-roots, not-for-profit
movement created to support genuine self-determination and human rights for the
people of Cyprus.
To be added to CANA's Action Alert e-mail distribution list, or to introduce
CANA to a friend or colleague, please forward the pertinent name and e-mail
address, with the subject heading "Add e-mail to CANA distribution list", to
You are encouraged to forward this action alert to five or more individuals who
may have an interest in our e-distributions or in CANA’s mission.
You may post any CANA article, press release or action alert on the internet as
long as you credit CANA and the author(s).
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Turkish "postcard" in ESC 2009 depicts various Greek historical landmarks and monuments -THEFT
Talk about sick, using the historical landmarks and monuments of the Indigenous people you've exterminated, as your own.Well done Turkey...Well done...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fascism opps I mean ‘Zionism’: America’s Middle Eastern Ally
Israeli Parliament OKs Bill to Outlaw Denial of Israel as ‘Jewish State’
Read Full Article Here
Israel debates 'loyalty' law
Read Full Article Here
The true face of Zionist ‘Democracy ‘appeared recently with the introduction of a new Bill before the Israeli Parliament by Israel Beiteinu. The Loyalty Oath Law and Nakba Law, aim to force all ethnic Palestinian Israelis to pledge allegiance to Zionism and make it a crime to commemorate Israeli Independence Day as a catastrophe.
As a country founded by the descendants of the Holocaust, the Israeli nation should known better than to even imagine laws that reek of the same racist filth that allowed the extermination of their own ancestors, as we are so often reminded of. Is Israel truly the only ‘Democracy’ in the Middle East or is that all just a mirage? You be the judge…
Read Full Article Here
Israel debates 'loyalty' law
Read Full Article Here
The true face of Zionist ‘Democracy ‘appeared recently with the introduction of a new Bill before the Israeli Parliament by Israel Beiteinu. The Loyalty Oath Law and Nakba Law, aim to force all ethnic Palestinian Israelis to pledge allegiance to Zionism and make it a crime to commemorate Israeli Independence Day as a catastrophe.
As a country founded by the descendants of the Holocaust, the Israeli nation should known better than to even imagine laws that reek of the same racist filth that allowed the extermination of their own ancestors, as we are so often reminded of. Is Israel truly the only ‘Democracy’ in the Middle East or is that all just a mirage? You be the judge…
‘Coordinated Effort of Hellenes’ honor Anti-Hellenist
Secretary of State receives award from CEH leadership during a photo opportunity ceremony
Washington, D.C.- by Apostolos Zoupaniotis
The leaders that participated at the 25th Annual Cyprus, Hellenic and Orthodox Issues Conference, which took place in Washington, June 20-22, and honored Secretary Clinton during a ceremony that took place at the Department of State, were:
Philip Christopher, Andrew A. Athens, Andy Manatos, Peter Papanicolaou, Nikos Mouyiaris, George J. Tsunis, Mike Manatos, Tasos D. Zambas, Zenon Christodoulou, and Michael Galanakis. They also invited to the meeting with Secretary Clinton and to the conference Nick Karacostas, Supreme Vice President of AHEPA.
Read Full Article Here
It has always puzzled me why our so-called ‘leadership’ brown noses well known Anti-Hellenists and Turkish supporters like Mrs. Clinton. Have they no shame…no honor? How can a man like Archbishop Demetrios present an Anti-Hellenist with an award that contains the very soil of Hellenism? When will the leadership of the Hellenic-American community stop living off sad little photo-opts and actually start working for the interests of those they claim to lead?
I’d like to know in what world does the ‘Coordinated Effort’ live in, which makes them believe any attention, let alone ‘High Profile Focus’ exists on Hellenic issues? What ‘important role’ has Secretary Clinton played in ‘turning the huge American ship of state’ towards a just direction on Hellenic issues? Perhaps they are speaking about the disrespectful meeting between Mr. Obama and the Patriarch, who Mrs. Clinton claims to have so much admiration for. Maybe it was that announcement that the new administration would follow in the footsteps of the Bush administration and continue to recognize Skopia as ‘Macedonia’, only adding to the Nationalistic, Revisionist and Anti-Hellenic stance of the current government of Skopia. These awards and photo-opts have more to do with business networking and bragging rights than actual lobbying efforts on behalf of Hellenism.
Washington, D.C.- by Apostolos Zoupaniotis
The leaders that participated at the 25th Annual Cyprus, Hellenic and Orthodox Issues Conference, which took place in Washington, June 20-22, and honored Secretary Clinton during a ceremony that took place at the Department of State, were:
Philip Christopher, Andrew A. Athens, Andy Manatos, Peter Papanicolaou, Nikos Mouyiaris, George J. Tsunis, Mike Manatos, Tasos D. Zambas, Zenon Christodoulou, and Michael Galanakis. They also invited to the meeting with Secretary Clinton and to the conference Nick Karacostas, Supreme Vice President of AHEPA.
Read Full Article Here
It has always puzzled me why our so-called ‘leadership’ brown noses well known Anti-Hellenists and Turkish supporters like Mrs. Clinton. Have they no shame…no honor? How can a man like Archbishop Demetrios present an Anti-Hellenist with an award that contains the very soil of Hellenism? When will the leadership of the Hellenic-American community stop living off sad little photo-opts and actually start working for the interests of those they claim to lead?
In a press release issued by the Coordinated Effort entitled “New Administration Continues High Profile Focus on Hellenic and Orthodox Issues”, it says, “Secretary Clinton has played an important role in beginning to slowly turn the huge ‘American ship of state’ in a just direction on issues regarding Hellenism and Orthodoxy, but it still has a long way to go to make up for the damage of recent years.
I’d like to know in what world does the ‘Coordinated Effort’ live in, which makes them believe any attention, let alone ‘High Profile Focus’ exists on Hellenic issues? What ‘important role’ has Secretary Clinton played in ‘turning the huge American ship of state’ towards a just direction on Hellenic issues? Perhaps they are speaking about the disrespectful meeting between Mr. Obama and the Patriarch, who Mrs. Clinton claims to have so much admiration for. Maybe it was that announcement that the new administration would follow in the footsteps of the Bush administration and continue to recognize Skopia as ‘Macedonia’, only adding to the Nationalistic, Revisionist and Anti-Hellenic stance of the current government of Skopia. These awards and photo-opts have more to do with business networking and bragging rights than actual lobbying efforts on behalf of Hellenism.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Clashes at Greek Quran protest
Friday, May 22, 2009
21:07 Mecca time, 18:07 GMT
Clashes have erupted between police and predominantly Muslim protesters in Athens, the Greek capital.
About 1,000 protesters took to the streets on Friday following reports that a police officer tore up a Quran, the Muslim holy book, belonging to an Iraqi immigrant while checking his identity papers.
Read Full Article Here
These recent riots which have erupted between the Hellenic police and illegal Muslim immigrants in our nation’s capital just add to a long list of reasons for the deportation of all non-Hellenes from Ellada. Supported by Left Wing Liberal traitors of Hellenism, these illegals are used as pawns by the Left in their continued struggle for political power. They spread anti-police and state propaganda which hold no merit, all the while nurturing feelings inside the Illegals as though our nation owes them something. Did Hellenes take away their opportunities to work and raise their children inside their homelands? No! Did we force them to illegally migrate and enter our country? No! Do we not have the right to check for identification of suspected criminals to protect OUR OWN CITIZENS? We Hellenes are not to blame for there suffering nor is our police force guilty of ‘police brutality’ or ‘racism’. These illegal Muslim immigrants have no business in Athens or in any other sacred place of Hellenism. If the Hellenic Left truly cared for these people’s plight than they would help stop the cycle of corruption and tyranny that causes them to flee THEIR HOMELANDS in the first place!
21:07 Mecca time, 18:07 GMT
Clashes have erupted between police and predominantly Muslim protesters in Athens, the Greek capital.
About 1,000 protesters took to the streets on Friday following reports that a police officer tore up a Quran, the Muslim holy book, belonging to an Iraqi immigrant while checking his identity papers.
Read Full Article Here
These recent riots which have erupted between the Hellenic police and illegal Muslim immigrants in our nation’s capital just add to a long list of reasons for the deportation of all non-Hellenes from Ellada. Supported by Left Wing Liberal traitors of Hellenism, these illegals are used as pawns by the Left in their continued struggle for political power. They spread anti-police and state propaganda which hold no merit, all the while nurturing feelings inside the Illegals as though our nation owes them something. Did Hellenes take away their opportunities to work and raise their children inside their homelands? No! Did we force them to illegally migrate and enter our country? No! Do we not have the right to check for identification of suspected criminals to protect OUR OWN CITIZENS? We Hellenes are not to blame for there suffering nor is our police force guilty of ‘police brutality’ or ‘racism’. These illegal Muslim immigrants have no business in Athens or in any other sacred place of Hellenism. If the Hellenic Left truly cared for these people’s plight than they would help stop the cycle of corruption and tyranny that causes them to flee THEIR HOMELANDS in the first place!
Friday, May 22, 2009
For Immediate Release: May 22, 2009
Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935
NEW YORK—The Hellenic League of America (HLA) invites all readers, friends and supporters to attend an evening of Hellenic Nationalist Perspectives (lecture topic synopsis below) , to enjoy presentations, open discussion and free debate and eat fine Greek buffet and drink Greek wine , FREE ADMISSION . We hope many Hellenic brothers and sisters come to this one of a kind event to be held in cooperation with the Pan-Macedonian Studies Center in New York (149-14th Ave, Whitestone, NY 11357-1730, U.S.A.) on Friday May 29th 2009 at 7:30 PM, free parking available, please make sure to R.S.V.P.:,
Τel. 646 238 5599 & 646 842 4254.
Please make sure to post our flyer in visible areas wherever Hellenic people may gather in New York, download our flyer in this link on our homepage.
Synopsis of Lectures to be presented:
The Pan Macedonian Studies Center
In cooperation with
The Hellenic League of America HLA
Presents a Joint lecture
On Issues of National Interest
On May 29th 2009
At 7:30 p.m.
At the Pan Macedonian Studies Center
Greek Buffet with Refreshments & Greek Wine
Free Admittance
By Nikolaos Taneris
Nikolaos Taneris will present an overview of Turkish government efforts in the United States to manipulate scholarship on Greek historiography, and to whitewash Turkish criminal history in Asia Minor and Cyprus. His presentation will depend on scholarly articles for distribution, charts, and scholarly books documenting the some thirty year history of Turkish penetration of American Universities, Mass Media, and Congress. Recent efforts to finance "MACEDONIAN" Revisionism will also be discussed and presented.
The Hellenic Genocide and the rise of Anti-Hellenism in the early 20th century
By Ioannis Fidanakis
This presentation will examine what Anti-Hellenism is and its role in the Hellenic Genocide. Fidanakisʼ presentation will use firsthand accounts and newspaper clippings to discuss what the Hellenic Genocide was and how Anti-Hellenism in the West allowed Turkish leaders to successfully exterminate the indigenous Hellenic population of the than Ottoman Empire. As well as cover several incidents of Anti-Hellenic violence in the United States, Canada and Australia.
The Mezzogiorno's Hellenic Revival
By Giovanni di Napoli
Brooklyn born artist and activist Giovanni di Napoli will discuss anti-Hellenism from a Southern Italian perspective. He will touch on its long history and some of its current manifestations. Mr. di Napoli will also talk about the revival of Southern Italy's Hellenic identity as a means of regaining their dignity and group cohesiveness.
Τel. 646 238 5599 & 646 842 4254
Join our E-list on the web at
The Hellenic League of America (HLA) is a cooperative and collective effort by Hellenes, Phil Hellenes and Hellenic enthusiasts who come together for the Hellenic Cause.
To be added to HLA's Action Alert e-mail distribution list, or to introduce HLA to a friend or colleague, please forward the pertinent name and e-mail address, with the subject heading "Add e-mail to HLA distribution list", to
You are encouraged to forward this action alert to five or more individuals who may have an interest in our e-distributions or in HLA’s mission.
You may post any HLA article, press release or action alert on the internet as long as you credit HLA and the author(s).
Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935
NEW YORK—The Hellenic League of America (HLA) invites all readers, friends and supporters to attend an evening of Hellenic Nationalist Perspectives (lecture topic synopsis below) , to enjoy presentations, open discussion and free debate and eat fine Greek buffet and drink Greek wine , FREE ADMISSION . We hope many Hellenic brothers and sisters come to this one of a kind event to be held in cooperation with the Pan-Macedonian Studies Center in New York (149-14th Ave, Whitestone, NY 11357-1730, U.S.A.) on Friday May 29th 2009 at 7:30 PM, free parking available, please make sure to R.S.V.P.:,
Τel. 646 238 5599 & 646 842 4254.
Please make sure to post our flyer in visible areas wherever Hellenic people may gather in New York, download our flyer in this link on our homepage.
Synopsis of Lectures to be presented:
The Pan Macedonian Studies Center
In cooperation with
The Hellenic League of America HLA
Presents a Joint lecture
On Issues of National Interest
On May 29th 2009
At 7:30 p.m.
At the Pan Macedonian Studies Center
Greek Buffet with Refreshments & Greek Wine
Free Admittance
By Nikolaos Taneris
Nikolaos Taneris will present an overview of Turkish government efforts in the United States to manipulate scholarship on Greek historiography, and to whitewash Turkish criminal history in Asia Minor and Cyprus. His presentation will depend on scholarly articles for distribution, charts, and scholarly books documenting the some thirty year history of Turkish penetration of American Universities, Mass Media, and Congress. Recent efforts to finance "MACEDONIAN" Revisionism will also be discussed and presented.
The Hellenic Genocide and the rise of Anti-Hellenism in the early 20th century
By Ioannis Fidanakis
This presentation will examine what Anti-Hellenism is and its role in the Hellenic Genocide. Fidanakisʼ presentation will use firsthand accounts and newspaper clippings to discuss what the Hellenic Genocide was and how Anti-Hellenism in the West allowed Turkish leaders to successfully exterminate the indigenous Hellenic population of the than Ottoman Empire. As well as cover several incidents of Anti-Hellenic violence in the United States, Canada and Australia.
The Mezzogiorno's Hellenic Revival
By Giovanni di Napoli
Brooklyn born artist and activist Giovanni di Napoli will discuss anti-Hellenism from a Southern Italian perspective. He will touch on its long history and some of its current manifestations. Mr. di Napoli will also talk about the revival of Southern Italy's Hellenic identity as a means of regaining their dignity and group cohesiveness.
Τel. 646 238 5599 & 646 842 4254
Join our E-list on the web at
The Hellenic League of America (HLA) is a cooperative and collective effort by Hellenes, Phil Hellenes and Hellenic enthusiasts who come together for the Hellenic Cause.
To be added to HLA's Action Alert e-mail distribution list, or to introduce HLA to a friend or colleague, please forward the pertinent name and e-mail address, with the subject heading "Add e-mail to HLA distribution list", to
You are encouraged to forward this action alert to five or more individuals who may have an interest in our e-distributions or in HLA’s mission.
You may post any HLA article, press release or action alert on the internet as long as you credit HLA and the author(s).
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
For Immediate Release: May 19, 2009
Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935
NEW YORK--May 19th, the international day of remembrance for the Pontian
Genocide, was marked for the second year in a row with a public commemoration in
Bowling Green Park in downtown Manhattan. Pontian Hellenes, Hellenes from Hellas
and Cyprus, Greek and Greek-Cypriot dignitaries, local American elected
officials, and philhellenes travelled to Bowling Green Park at 12 noon to stand
in commemoration of the raising of the Hellenic flag, and the historic single
headed eagle flag of Pontos, seen waving today at half mast, beneath the
official flag of Greece, over the streets of downtown Manhattan in New York
The 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF PONTIAN GENOCIDE event was organized by the Federation
of Hellenic Societies of Greater NY, and the Pan-Pontian Federation of USA and
Canada. Distinguished speakers included The Honorable Leonidas P. Raptakis State
Senator of Rhode Island , Dr. Mary Marangos Executive Director representing the
Honorable US Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, The Honorable Mrs. Aghi Balta
Consul General - New York for the Republic of Greece, The Honorable Mr. Andreas
Panayiotou Consul General for the Republic of Cyprus- New York, Mr. Demetrius
Kalamaras, Esq. – President of the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater
New York, Mr. Elias Tsekerides – President of the International Confederation of
Pontian Hellenes, Mr. George Tsilfidis - Deputy President Pan-Pontian Federation
of USA and Canada, Mr. Tassos Efstratiades Esq. – Chairman Greek American
Chamber of Commerce, Ms. Karine Birazian - Eastern Region Executive Director
Armenian National Committee of America, and Mr. Ioannis Fidanakis – President
of Pan-Thracian Union of America “Orpheus”. (Speeches can be viewed on You Tube
Many Hellenic society presidents and members attended, including the two local
Pontian associations "Komninoi" of New York in Astoria and "Pontos" of Norwalk
Connecticut, as well as "Holy Institution Panagia Soumela."
A prayer was said aloud, followed by a speech by Reverend Father John Romas from
the nearby historic St. Nicholas church that was destroyed on 9/11, and a moment
of silence for the innocent victims of the Pontian Genocide perpetrated by
Pan-Pontian Federation General Secretary Dimitris Molohides, presided over the
ceremonies and presented a proclamation from New York State Senator George
Onarato and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (See PDF copies below)
Turkey continues to deny responsibility for the Armenian, Assyrian, and Pontian
,Thracian and Anatolian Greek Genocides as perpetrated by its founder Mustafa
Kemal, the so-called “Ataturk” or “father of the Turks” and his predecessors ,
the Young Turk government, and Ottoman Turkey.
This year’s commemoration was filled with promise thanks to the presence of
young people , including young children and teenagers, the hope of a new
generation that is coming to bloom now , who helped to pass out educational
pamphlets and books that included classic memoir “The Great Betrayal” by E.H.
Bierstadt, The Pontian Question in the United Nations, by Michalis
Even though the Turks stole our land, and forced us out of Eastern Thrace,
Pontos, Smyrna and all Asia Minor and parts of Cyprus (just a generation ago)
with fire and bayonet without bread and water to die. Events like these remind
us that try as they might, the Turks will never totally destroy us. Anywhere in
the world, even faraway New York, if even two of us meet we will build again and
we will never forget, never forgive.
The flag of the Pontian people is emblazoned with the following Pontian saying,
Η Ρωμανία κι’ αν επέρασεν, ανθεί και φέρει κι’ άλλο (Though ΡΩΜΑΝΙΑ has passed,
it blooms and brings forth more), this people shall never die.
You Tube Video of Pontian Flag Raising:
You Tube Video of The Honorable Leonidas P. Raptakis State Senator of Rhode
You Tube Video of Honorable Mr. Andreas Panayiotou Consul General for the
Republic of Cyprus- New York,
You Tube Video of Ms. Karine Birazian - Eastern Region Executive Director
Armenian National Committee of America
You Tube Video of Mr. Ioannis Fidanakis President of Pan-Thracian Union of
America “Orpheus”
You Tube Video of Η Ρωμανία κι αν επέρασεν, ανθεί και φέρει κι άλλο (Though
ΡΩΜΑΝΙΑ has passed, it blooms and brings forth more), this people shall never
Join our E-list on the web at
The Hellenic League of America (HLA) is a cooperative and collective effort by
Hellenes, Phil Hellenes and Hellenic enthusiasts who come together for the
Hellenic Cause.
To be added to HLA's Action Alert e-mail distribution list, or to introduce HLA
to a friend or colleague, please forward the pertinent name and e-mail address,
with the subject heading "Add e-mail to HLA distribution list", to
You are encouraged to forward this action alert to five or more individuals who
may have an interest in our e-distributions or in HLA’s mission.
You may post any HLA article, press release or action alert on the internet as
long as you credit HLA and the author(s).
Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935
NEW YORK--May 19th, the international day of remembrance for the Pontian
Genocide, was marked for the second year in a row with a public commemoration in
Bowling Green Park in downtown Manhattan. Pontian Hellenes, Hellenes from Hellas
and Cyprus, Greek and Greek-Cypriot dignitaries, local American elected
officials, and philhellenes travelled to Bowling Green Park at 12 noon to stand
in commemoration of the raising of the Hellenic flag, and the historic single
headed eagle flag of Pontos, seen waving today at half mast, beneath the
official flag of Greece, over the streets of downtown Manhattan in New York
The 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF PONTIAN GENOCIDE event was organized by the Federation
of Hellenic Societies of Greater NY, and the Pan-Pontian Federation of USA and
Canada. Distinguished speakers included The Honorable Leonidas P. Raptakis State
Senator of Rhode Island , Dr. Mary Marangos Executive Director representing the
Honorable US Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, The Honorable Mrs. Aghi Balta
Consul General - New York for the Republic of Greece, The Honorable Mr. Andreas
Panayiotou Consul General for the Republic of Cyprus- New York, Mr. Demetrius
Kalamaras, Esq. – President of the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater
New York, Mr. Elias Tsekerides – President of the International Confederation of
Pontian Hellenes, Mr. George Tsilfidis - Deputy President Pan-Pontian Federation
of USA and Canada, Mr. Tassos Efstratiades Esq. – Chairman Greek American
Chamber of Commerce, Ms. Karine Birazian - Eastern Region Executive Director
Armenian National Committee of America, and Mr. Ioannis Fidanakis – President
of Pan-Thracian Union of America “Orpheus”. (Speeches can be viewed on You Tube
Many Hellenic society presidents and members attended, including the two local
Pontian associations "Komninoi" of New York in Astoria and "Pontos" of Norwalk
Connecticut, as well as "Holy Institution Panagia Soumela."
A prayer was said aloud, followed by a speech by Reverend Father John Romas from
the nearby historic St. Nicholas church that was destroyed on 9/11, and a moment
of silence for the innocent victims of the Pontian Genocide perpetrated by
Pan-Pontian Federation General Secretary Dimitris Molohides, presided over the
ceremonies and presented a proclamation from New York State Senator George
Onarato and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (See PDF copies below)
Turkey continues to deny responsibility for the Armenian, Assyrian, and Pontian
,Thracian and Anatolian Greek Genocides as perpetrated by its founder Mustafa
Kemal, the so-called “Ataturk” or “father of the Turks” and his predecessors ,
the Young Turk government, and Ottoman Turkey.
This year’s commemoration was filled with promise thanks to the presence of
young people , including young children and teenagers, the hope of a new
generation that is coming to bloom now , who helped to pass out educational
pamphlets and books that included classic memoir “The Great Betrayal” by E.H.
Bierstadt, The Pontian Question in the United Nations, by Michalis
Even though the Turks stole our land, and forced us out of Eastern Thrace,
Pontos, Smyrna and all Asia Minor and parts of Cyprus (just a generation ago)
with fire and bayonet without bread and water to die. Events like these remind
us that try as they might, the Turks will never totally destroy us. Anywhere in
the world, even faraway New York, if even two of us meet we will build again and
we will never forget, never forgive.
The flag of the Pontian people is emblazoned with the following Pontian saying,
Η Ρωμανία κι’ αν επέρασεν, ανθεί και φέρει κι’ άλλο (Though ΡΩΜΑΝΙΑ has passed,
it blooms and brings forth more), this people shall never die.
You Tube Video of Pontian Flag Raising:
You Tube Video of The Honorable Leonidas P. Raptakis State Senator of Rhode
You Tube Video of Honorable Mr. Andreas Panayiotou Consul General for the
Republic of Cyprus- New York,
You Tube Video of Ms. Karine Birazian - Eastern Region Executive Director
Armenian National Committee of America
You Tube Video of Mr. Ioannis Fidanakis President of Pan-Thracian Union of
America “Orpheus”
You Tube Video of Η Ρωμανία κι αν επέρασεν, ανθεί και φέρει κι άλλο (Though
ΡΩΜΑΝΙΑ has passed, it blooms and brings forth more), this people shall never
Join our E-list on the web at
The Hellenic League of America (HLA) is a cooperative and collective effort by
Hellenes, Phil Hellenes and Hellenic enthusiasts who come together for the
Hellenic Cause.
To be added to HLA's Action Alert e-mail distribution list, or to introduce HLA
to a friend or colleague, please forward the pertinent name and e-mail address,
with the subject heading "Add e-mail to HLA distribution list", to
You are encouraged to forward this action alert to five or more individuals who
may have an interest in our e-distributions or in HLA’s mission.
You may post any HLA article, press release or action alert on the internet as
long as you credit HLA and the author(s).
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
A Historical Recognition: Berzan Boti will, as an act of restitution, hand back his property to its rightful owners – The Assyrians!
Press release
As heir to the ottoman empire, Turkey has during 94 years denied the genocide they committed on the Assyrians and other Christian minorities. Lately some intellectual Turks have tried to settle with their history by publicly apologizing for the actions during 1915. This reconcile-process has however not reached the impact that many had hoped for and was subdued in Turkish media.
During the Seyfo-Genocide 1915, two thirds of the Assyrian population were eliminated in the Ottoman empire. Houses, land and villages were taken by Kurdish clans whom took part in the killing of Assyrians.
Berzan Boti inherited a house and big land areas from his father. This was property that later was discovered to belong to the Assyrians that had been murdered during Seyfo. Two years ago Berzan Boti contacted Seyfo Center with the intention to hand back this property.
During a press-conference Berzan Boti will return title deeds to Sabri Atman, the chairman of Seyfo Center. “The sense of guilt was indescribable when I had been told where this property had derived from. The only right thing to do was to apologize and return the property to its rightful owners” - said Berzan Boti in an earlier interview.
The press-conference will take place in the Swedish Parliament. The hostess of this event will be Annelie Enochsson (kd). During the conference several members of the Riksdag, experts in public international law and historians will hold speeches.
Due to shortage of seats only registered guests will be allowed in to the conference. Registration can be made at please state your full name.
Only accredited media will be allowed entrance. For accreditation please e-mail to or call +46 (0) 70-050 46 04.
Date: May 13th 2009
Time: 11:00
Place: Mittpoolen, the Swedish Parliament
Seyfo Center
As heir to the ottoman empire, Turkey has during 94 years denied the genocide they committed on the Assyrians and other Christian minorities. Lately some intellectual Turks have tried to settle with their history by publicly apologizing for the actions during 1915. This reconcile-process has however not reached the impact that many had hoped for and was subdued in Turkish media.
During the Seyfo-Genocide 1915, two thirds of the Assyrian population were eliminated in the Ottoman empire. Houses, land and villages were taken by Kurdish clans whom took part in the killing of Assyrians.
Berzan Boti inherited a house and big land areas from his father. This was property that later was discovered to belong to the Assyrians that had been murdered during Seyfo. Two years ago Berzan Boti contacted Seyfo Center with the intention to hand back this property.
During a press-conference Berzan Boti will return title deeds to Sabri Atman, the chairman of Seyfo Center. “The sense of guilt was indescribable when I had been told where this property had derived from. The only right thing to do was to apologize and return the property to its rightful owners” - said Berzan Boti in an earlier interview.
The press-conference will take place in the Swedish Parliament. The hostess of this event will be Annelie Enochsson (kd). During the conference several members of the Riksdag, experts in public international law and historians will hold speeches.
Due to shortage of seats only registered guests will be allowed in to the conference. Registration can be made at please state your full name.
Only accredited media will be allowed entrance. For accreditation please e-mail to or call +46 (0) 70-050 46 04.
Date: May 13th 2009
Time: 11:00
Place: Mittpoolen, the Swedish Parliament
Seyfo Center
Sunday, May 3, 2009
For Immediate Release: May 2nd, 2009
Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935
WASHINGTON—The Hellenic League of America (HLA) took a proud stand to face down
the Genocidal Turkish regime outside the Turkish Embassy in Washington DC to
mark international Remembrance Day for the Armenian Genocide on April 24th,
HLA activists following on the heels of a string of successful action in recent
months, from successfully mobilizing the entire Greek-American community to
remove the Star of Vergina from the VISA Card to staging the first ever Hellenic
Genocide commemoration outside the UN, have now launched a newly revamped
website and embark on a lecture and sporting event circuit for all our ethnic
Greek brothers and sisters.
We are expanding our work to encapsulate all a true patriotic Hellenic
organization should do, demonstrations, rallies, commemorations , educational
teach ins, book readings, sporting events and panel discussions and lectures.
So far, we have done more, much more, than all those organizations out there
with thousands of times our financial resources combined. We will do more, this
is the New Dawn.
Please take the time to visit the many new sections to our site such as “HLA in
the News”, on our website:
Pan-European Front at Armenian Genocide Vigil by Magna GRECE
HLA Battle of Bitonto Commemoration Flyer by Magna GRECE
Join our E-list on the web at
The Hellenic League of America (HLA) is a cooperative and collective effort by
Hellenes, Phil Hellenes and Hellenic enthusiasts who come together for the
Hellenic Cause.
To be added to HLA's Action Alert e-mail distribution list, or to introduce HLA
to a friend or colleague, please forward the pertinent name and e-mail address,
with the subject heading "Add e-mail to HLA distribution list", to
You are encouraged to forward this action alert to five or more individuals who
may have an interest in our e-distributions or in HLA’s mission.
You may post any HLA article, press release or action alert on the internet as
long as you credit HLA and the author(s).
Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935
WASHINGTON—The Hellenic League of America (HLA) took a proud stand to face down
the Genocidal Turkish regime outside the Turkish Embassy in Washington DC to
mark international Remembrance Day for the Armenian Genocide on April 24th,
HLA activists following on the heels of a string of successful action in recent
months, from successfully mobilizing the entire Greek-American community to
remove the Star of Vergina from the VISA Card to staging the first ever Hellenic
Genocide commemoration outside the UN, have now launched a newly revamped
website and embark on a lecture and sporting event circuit for all our ethnic
Greek brothers and sisters.
We are expanding our work to encapsulate all a true patriotic Hellenic
organization should do, demonstrations, rallies, commemorations , educational
teach ins, book readings, sporting events and panel discussions and lectures.
So far, we have done more, much more, than all those organizations out there
with thousands of times our financial resources combined. We will do more, this
is the New Dawn.
Please take the time to visit the many new sections to our site such as “HLA in
the News”, on our website:
Pan-European Front at Armenian Genocide Vigil by Magna GRECE
HLA Battle of Bitonto Commemoration Flyer by Magna GRECE
Join our E-list on the web at
The Hellenic League of America (HLA) is a cooperative and collective effort by
Hellenes, Phil Hellenes and Hellenic enthusiasts who come together for the
Hellenic Cause.
To be added to HLA's Action Alert e-mail distribution list, or to introduce HLA
to a friend or colleague, please forward the pertinent name and e-mail address,
with the subject heading "Add e-mail to HLA distribution list", to
You are encouraged to forward this action alert to five or more individuals who
may have an interest in our e-distributions or in HLA’s mission.
You may post any HLA article, press release or action alert on the internet as
long as you credit HLA and the author(s).
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